When it is about time for the girls to be put to bed for the night the sky gets active. Thousands of birds fly over almost every night. You hear them coming from the noise they make. The Canadian geese fly in and land at the pond. The sound I love to hear is the tree frogs singing. They started their song this week. I start thinking spring when all of these things happen.
The lovely lenten rose is blooming. This plant was quite large when I moved it here. I planted it on the side of the creek away from everything. When the drain field was installed they dropped a tree and guess where it fell. The lenten rose was destroyed. I thought never again would I see this one. To my surprise the roots brought forth a new plant, three years later it is blooming as if nothing had happened.
I made peach bread this week. This is my recipe, adjusted the sugar and this bread was very yummy and not super sweet. Spices used were cinnamon, nutmeg and ginger. I made the crumb topping for the bread.
Most of this week has been wet and not a lot was accomplished working on the fence row. More trees to come out and undergrowth to remove.
A friend told me about a goat from Mexico which has a good taste to it. If any of you know anything about this breed of goats please leave a comment, I would like to learn about this one.
I think the earthquakes or the weather has affected the girls. Or they may have just gone broody. The egg count this week is 36.
Meet Smokey Lonesome, this little girl is a cochin complete with her own set of house slippers. "Fried Green Tomatoes" is one of the many movies we enjoy. This little grey chick who stayed by herself quite a lot of time just became Smokey Lonesome. No longer, she is the social butterfly of the coop. They were having an election for Vice President of Social Events and can you believe she was elected by her piers. I received an order for Popcorn without salt for at least one time a week. She is such a party animal.
i have been working outside in the garden. Getting the land ready to plant potatoes and beets. I planted Chinese cabbage ( which I use for cole slaw) and pac choi. Put in a row of green peas. Learned the chickens like lemon balm and I planted some by the run. I moved my cabbage and broccoli plants to the outside greenhouse. Raspberry vines needed a good bit of attention. I have retied them to hold the weight and may need to do it again.
This was posted on our Face Book Page on Saturday morning:
This morning if you have what was yours yesterday, be Thankful, my heartfelt prayers go out to the many Americans who have loss so much.
Many of you have family and friends, who have suffered the lost of everything. The ones who lost loved ones, I am so sorry.
My prayer for today, if we must continue to have this damaging weather may the storms be gentle and not destory everything in it's way. For those working in the aftermath of the storms searching, repairing utilities, bringing food, medical and every service needed please be careful, stay safe. Thank you for being there where so much is needed by our people.
May all of you be blessed,
Later in the day, other areas have been hit by tornados. We can read these words and they will apply again, two days in a row. We have so much to be Thankful for here at Triple Creek Farm.
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