Sunday, March 11, 2012

Triple Creek Farm, March 10, 2012

Winter by the calendar is still here.  We have experienced a mild winter and I am so spoiled.  I did not want to see more snow on Monday.  It did not last long as the temperature was in the high 30's when the snow stopped.  We did receive 5 inches of snow and this was a very wet snow.  Now I will have to wait for the land to dry out.


I decided to make sourdough waffles.  I made my own recipe as I went along.  Used raw sugar, whole wheat  and all-purpose flours,  sourdough starter,  kefir milk and 3 beautiful eggs from the girls.  Raspberry syrup from our berries was the topping.


My tractor,  Mrs. Jones, had a nice tractor shed, we put in the first year we came here.  The winter of 2010-2011 a tree came down and took out the shed.  She has been covered with a tarp until this week.

Mr. Bootsie put up one of the shelters so I can just go out and she is ready to go.  I know she will be used a lot more.


Wednesday, 10 chickens laid 9 eggs the girls are working overtime.  The total egg count for this week was 44 eggs.  The girls are averaging 6 eggs a day.  I could not be more pleased.


Because of the snow on Monday the garden was white.  I fall plant the onions and garlic in October.  They are fed in January and again in March.    Tuesday morning I decided to feed the onions and garlic the March feeding.  I went down the row with my hoe and made a small furrow put in the plant food and covered.  Now the melting snow is taking the plant food down to the roots.

The raspberries are beginning to show new growth.  Planted a row of English peas and one of beets.  The first green onions were pulled on Thursday, these were not fed as I knew I would be pulling them and I did not fed the garlic I will be harvesting to use as green garlic.


I have been busy dusting off the welcome mat, please know you may stop by any time.  I am so glad you are setting on the front porch and listening to my stories.  New friends joined us in the last few weeks. Come again and bring your friends.  There is always room for more.  Come over to Face Book to see how progress is going during the week.

Spring time is coming.  Flowers are blooming, the first chicken swap was on Saturday, baby chicks are in the farm stores.  This week we will be planting the onion sets and getting the potatoes cut to plant.  Some of the bedding plants are ready to go into the garden.  This time of year is so exciting.  The garden is awakening from a long sleep.  I hope I am up to the challenge.

                               I will be adjusting my schedule this week as we begin
                                                               Daylight Saving Time.

Follow Happy Hallow on Face Book


  1. Ah, Mrs. Jones - how I have missed you! We need to introduce her to our Bubba Bluejeans. They would make adorable little lavender lawn tractors!

    1. As long as Bubba Bluejeans can sing "Me and Mrs. Jones, we've got a thing going on."

  2. We had snow this morning and then it ended up being 62 degrees! That's Albuquerque for ya! I don't have crocus or daffodil in our new yard....will have to plant some this fall, somewhere. We are seeing them throughout the neighborhoods though.
    Thanks for painting such wonderfully vivid mental pictures, and sharing the actual photo's. It helps quench my thirst for the country and all that comes with it!
