Momma would always do one hatching in the spring which had the hen so confused she did not know what to do. Momma would buy 2 duck eggs and 2 goose eggs, she set the hen on the 4 eggs and one week later she added the chicken eggs. Duck and geese eggs take about 28 days to hatch and chickens are 21 days. That poor hen would look at the ducks and geese wondering what had happen to her eggs, how could they turn out looking like they did. Look at those feet they are not like mine and the beak is different to mine. Being a good momma she would gather the strange looking birds, put them under her to stay warm as she clucked to them just like the chicks. They may look funny but she had hatched them and she was going to take care of them.
Last Thursday, I went to close up the chicken coop for the night and I was short one little girl. Mr. Bootsie started looking for her and checked the nesting boxes. Pulled the curtain back on one and there was a noise we had never heard before. I thought something was wrong with the chicken. I felt under her, she had eggs and when I pulled them out she was not happy. I have had broody hens that did not lay for sometime but never have I had this. Friday she stayed in the nest box all day. Friday night I stole all of her eggs again. She is really not happy with me. Now when she sees me coming she starts squawking.
Mr. Bootsie said maybe we should set her. He, who, did not get excited about having chicks, he wants to set a chicken. I get so confused. I would love to have my own babies but I thought he would never want us to set a chicken. We do not have a rooster. I called a local farm which sells fertile eggs and they had just filled the incubators. No eggs until next week.
Wednesday would be the day they may have a few Maran eggs. They would be blue or blue splash. I just need fertile eggs I can not be choosey. I called the farm today and YES they have eggs. They told me they only had 9 and how many did I need. This girl is so little I knew 9 would be too many. Let me try 6, they took my order and told me they would hold them for me. I picked up my eggs and came home to set my girl.
I left her with 4 eggs under her this morning and when I went down to set her she had 10 eggs under her. She must be getting everyone to lay in her nest. I had fixed a pet carrier to set her in. I took her off the nest and put my girl in the pet carrier with the eggs and straw. She was not a happy camper. I fixed her some food and water and put that in with her which did not help. Mr. Bootsie came in from work and she was pushing the eggs out of the nest. I thought she needed to get them where she wanted them.
This evening when the chicken coop was closed things were going good. All I can say about today is I set my first hen around 4:00 p.m. e.d.t. and now if all goes well April 25th or 26th I should have some baby chicks.
I need to purchase a quart waterer,
cute little feed tray for them to eat from.
Chick starter for them to eat.
By 6:00 p.m. Four little chicks have hatched.
This is going to be so much fun, follow on Facebook.
This has been so much fun . Thank all of you for following along.
Fun, Bootsie! Can't wait to watch it all unfold - or hatch ;)
ReplyDeleteDay 1 I do not believe Aurora has left the nest today. I put food and water in for her. She now has her nest a circle and all the eggs are under her. When you put your hand in to check on her she lets out the squawk. Tonight she seemed quite content.
ReplyDeleteDay 2 We have watched Aurora work her way around the nest today. One time she was facing west and later east. I made her scrambled eggs this morning but she did not seem interested. Tonight, she has sunflower seeds and pellets.
ReplyDeleteDay 3 I am so pleased. Aurora ate sunflower seeds today. She had quite a few. I did not see her drink any water. I placed the bowl beside her and she stayed on the nest and ate. She is moving full circle. Early today she was facing south and tonight north.
ReplyDeleteDay 4 Aurora is eating and going in circles. Now if I could just her off the nest for a few minutes each day. At this time she is content to stay in her little corner of the world.
ReplyDeleteDay 5 I left the door open on the pet carrier for most of the day and Aurora stayed on the nest. She ate her oatmeal this morning. She is asking for more straw to add to the nest. She will pick up the straw and do her squawk thing. So i give her a handful and she is quiet. All is well in the chicken coop.
ReplyDeleteDay 6 I have been pecked twice today. Aurora ate some food and I offered her some water and she was not interested in any water. She pecked me and I took the water away. I do keep water in the carrier with her all the time. I was just trying to make it easier for her. This young lady is getting set in her ways.
ReplyDeleteDay 7 Aurora has not left the nest, i decided today was the day I need to check the eggs. I have been pecked, squawked at and I think maybe considered a friend. She had laid one egg after taking the nest and I took her egg out. The 6 maran eggs looked nice. She ate sunflower seeds and scratch. She drank quite a bit of water. When I left she was rolling the eggs and fluffing the straw. I believe my little girl is doing a great job.
ReplyDeleteDay 8 All is quiet in the coop today. Aurora has buried herself in the straw, you can see her head and back. She will let the others know they are making too much noise. We are now over 1/3 of the way there. I do hope some of the eggs hatch.
ReplyDeleteDay 9 Everything in the coop is about the same. The only change I have seen is one of the cochins is getting on top of the pet carrier. Aurora is not pleased with having an intruder. I spoke with the vistor and she did not seem to care what I had to say.
ReplyDeleteDay 10 All is well in the coop Aurora is burying down deep into the nest. For a first timer I am pleased with the responsibility she has. It may end tomorrow or may last until she has peeps. I do hope it will last.
ReplyDeleteDay 11 I have visited the coop quite a lot today. I felt guilty for being away most of yesterday. Aurora has gone around in full circle and has eaten some today. We have made it over the hill and now the slide down starts. Good luck little girl you have worked so hard. !0 long days left!!
ReplyDeleteDay 12 The high temperature today was 88, I have been concerned about the heat bothering Aurora. She continues to move in the circle and eat a little something. I would say she has not made a lot of moves today to use her strength. I did not get squawked at, she was watching me real close. Temperature tomorrow may be 86 but after that thru the 25th day highs will be in 70's and 60's. For this I am thankful.
ReplyDeleteDay 13 There was a break in the weather. We did not get into the high 80's today. I hope we have clear sailing until the 25th. The predicted temperatures are good. Aurora ate today and drank water. I did hear her squawk at one of the other girls. Other than that the coop was quiet.
ReplyDeleteDay 14 Aurora is now 2/3's of the way. I hope by this time nest week she has some little chicks. She may be pecking and squawking but she is content with the eggs. The nice cool and rainy day gave her the coop all to herself. All of the girls were outside under the coop. They only came in to lay and eat.
ReplyDeleteDay 15 I went to feed Aurora this morning and I dropped her bowl. It fell right on her breast. She was not a happy chick. She started backing across the nest and taking the eggs with her. I was so sorry to have confused her. She had settled down later in the day.
ReplyDeleteDay 16 Aurora is going in the circle, she also spoke to me when I came into the coop. She was excited to have a treat of cantaloupe seeds. It was the very best I have seen her eat to date.
ReplyDeleteDay 17 Aurora is quite the noisy bird today. She has been talking to me every time I come into the coop. She had some more cantaloupe today. I am so thankful she is eating something. I made my journey over to the feed shop. I now have a bag of chick starter. I sure hope I will be needing it next week. I am going to start feeding this to Aurora tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteDay 18 A rainy day. Aurora has been in the coop alone most of today. The big girls hang out under the coop and come in to eat grain and lay eggs. I started her on the chick starter today. I read somewhere to feed the mother hen this and that is why I am doing it. She is pecking at me again and I think it may get worse.
ReplyDeleteDay 19 Another rainy day. Aurora has had vistors several times today. One time when I went to the coop, the other cochins were all around checking on her. Later in the day the big girls were in with her. They cannot get in the carrier with her but they look in. Mr. Bootsie cleaned our brooder this afternoon and scrubbed it. It is ready.
ReplyDeleteDay 20 I was hoping to see some change today. She is squawking at everything. I have been to the coop about every two hours and I know she is tired of me. I cleaned out her pet carrier of spoiled straw and she just watched me. Do not come near me and all is well. Aurora is pecking at me, but, I did get to pet her a little. She has no intention of getting off the eggs. She was rocking her head a lot this afternoon something I have never seen her do before. Maybe tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteDay 21 About 12:30p.m. I saw the first little chick. By the late afternoon there were 4 little chicks. I could hear the shells being opened and I saw Aurora peck one of the shells. This has been a learning experience. Some of the things which worried me about her during this 21 days will be much easier if we should set another hen. The pictures above the eggs, Aurora and some of her first hatching .
ReplyDeleteTonight, Aurora returned to her place on the perch. She decided to stay in the coop with the girls. I am sure the little peeps would have liked for her to stay with them. They have grown so much and are as large as she is. The only thing left to do is add the peeps to the flock. This will come in a few weeks.
ReplyDeleteThis has been a wonderful adventure. Aurora, you are my chicken of the year. A wonderful little mother hen.