Sunday, May 6, 2012

Triple Creek Farm, May 5, 2012

We have a very small farm operation, so small it does not qualify for even a hobby farm at this time.  I was impressed when the city folk came out this Sunday and left with a bag of goodies.   It was filled with 2 dozen eggs, 2 jars of homemade salsa, lettuce, radishes, spring onions and 1/2 loaf of home baked bread.  It gives me so much pleasure to have these things to share.  I remember so many coming to my parents and leaving with farm fresh goodies.  I felt like I had accomplished something as they drove out of the driveway with treats from the farm.


Right now,  I am not sure our home has a kitchen.  Salads and quick meals.  Things will improve or get worse.


Wednesday morning, walking from the garden to the house there was something long and black across my path.  I knew it was a black snake.  This is the one part of the warm months I do not like.  I will be spreading lime around the greenhouse and the chicken  coop.

I saw my first humming bird of the season, Thursday, May 3rd.  I will be feeding them some.  I do not load up the feeders.  I do it every once in a while so we can see them.  We do have quite a lot of hummers and butterflies because I plant flowers which attract them.


The month of April the girls laid a total of 198 eggs.  It is amazing how quickly the eggs add up.  This week the girls laid 45 eggs.

 At this time there doesn't seem to be another broody hen and that makes me very happy.  The ducks have settled in.  We are letting them out to forage for wild strawberries and worms when the big girls are out and they spend the late afternoon with the girls.  Aurora's little peeps are 10 days old,  eating oatmeal and scratching for grain.  They love popcorn.  She will break up the popcorn for them.  I must say she is an excellent mother hen.  I would set her again if she shows interest in a few months.


I cut the last of the wintered over lettuce, the spring lettuce is ready.  Potatoes have been fed and a layer of straw put around them.  Tomatoes have been installed and most of the basil.  Sugar snap peas have blooms.   Raspberries and blackberries are loaded with blooms and small berries.  Strawberries are sweet and loaded with juice.  Planted the corn in the tepees, when it comes up I will plant the pole beans.  The bloody butcher corn and first planting of sweet corn went in on Saturday right before the rain.


Saturday morning we went to what is considered the largest chicken swap in Virginia by some.  I had no idea there would be so many selling, tents were everywhere.  A lot of the folks on the web site Pet Chickens of Virginia were there and it was nice to meet them.  The animals were every sort of chicken and feathered fowl, birds, ducks and geese.  There were bunnies and goats.  Of course, the faithful watch dog.  This was truly a day of learning and wondering where we will go with our little farm.  No, I did not buy anything this time, the fall event is coming soon.

For a day to day update follow Happy Hallow on Facebook

1 comment:

  1. One of the vendors from the Goochland Market said her family was at the "Chicken Swap" event also. Good to hear it was busy. Maybe I can go to the next one - congrats on the egg payload!
