Our soup of the week was a chili, I am trying to return to my schedule of a soup a week. I miss having a quick and easy meal ready to serve in just a few minutes. I decided it was time for me to learn how to fry grits. I have fried them twice this week. The second time was much better than the first. Both batches of fried grits were enjoyed, they taste quite different to grits, I really want to keep at this one until I am able to fry perfect grits. I made spinach pies and finally learned how to use the "as seen on TV dough press. The pies were a nice size and the tomato jam, from the pantry, added a wonderful flavor to them.
I have been working on cleaning a flower bed which was started on the drain field, 7 years ago, and has been forgotten for several years. Wild blackberries decided the worked and moist soil was a wonderful place to grow. They grew over 12 feet tall and poplar trees decided to come up and support the blackberry vines. Well, the blackberry vines have all been cut down and the goats have been eating the leaves from the poplars as I cut them and take the trees to the goat lot. I have some butterfly bushes I want to plant in this area. It was a real surprise to find plants alive under all of the jungle and blooming. I am hoping with Mr. Bootsie's help I can do better next year and have a flower bed once again. We are still clearing out undergrowth and starting to see some progress.
Monday we had a visitor to the farm, a neighbor's hog came over. Later in the day the hog went home and had the fence to his lot repaired.
Blanche has decided to start molting again. This has been a real puzzle to me. But I guess with some of the older girls, they are going to start laying when ever they feel like they want to lay. All of the momma hens are laying again and egg production is up a little. Saturday afternoon, Mr. Bootsie came in and asked me if the spring peep we named Heathcliff could be a hen because he saw that one in the nesting boxes. Tonight when I put the girls down to sleep there was a pullet egg in one of the nesting boxes. Now we have to be sure which one of the spring peeps is laying. It may be time for a name change in the coop. The girls are busy working compost and I am going to be scooping this from their run.
Life is never boring here on the farm. I could see an endless supply of sausage and bacon one morning this week, but of course the hog went back to his home, as it should be. I was thankful we could locate the owner as quickly as we did. Many Thanks to our local animal control officers who helped with locating the owner. The garden of summer is ending, the fall and tunnel garden is growing. I will miss the summer vegetables but look forward to using the preserved veggies in the pantry. Comfort food made with our vegetables, this is going to be so rewarding.
Many thanks to all of you who stop by and visit, I enjoy your comments you leave here and on FaceBook. Have a wonderful week!!!
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