With Mr. Bootsie manning the canner this week we have put up 20 quarts of provisions, 7 quarts of a potato soup base, 1 quart of beef stock, 5 quarts of potatoes and 7 quarts of veggie beef soup. The canning shelf in the pantry is looking very secure for the coming winter. I have been baking some bread, we have been eating spinach salads along with French onion soup I made this week.
I can say there has been very little done on the farm this week, aside from the caring for the animals and checking the drain ditches. Monday before the rain came there was a good size pine tree felled, it was cut into sections and taken to the goat lot, they have eaten just about all of the bark from this tree. This has been a good treat for the ladies and worked well as we did not have to go out each day and cut saplings for them.
The struggling sound coming from the coop is starting to sound a little more like a crow. It needs more work but the little guy is trying. The coop is being opened up in the afternoons for the little peeps to start their journey over to the laying hen side of the coop. It will be a while before they start to lay but I want to have them settled in before the cold weather comes. I use the deep straw method of bedding, I do not care to do the whole coop, only where the girls lay and roost. Molting has taken over the coop and most large egg layers are not laying, the cochins are all laying but they lay small eggs. My pullet's eggs are getting bigger than the cochin eggs. The first order of business after this rain will be getting sand from the creek to go into the runs, the duck run needs lots of sand.
The garden is having to take care of itself, when the weather clears I will be removing the squash vines from the tunnel. We have had lots of enjoyment watching them grow this season.
The onions and garlic are really coming up. The okra which was eaten by the raccoons is starting to bloom. As I have always grown okra for the lovely flower, I was pleased to see it bloom. I enjoy eating okra but I love the blooms. Still picking peppers, climbing spinach, pole beans and butter beans. I have lots of flowers blooming in the greenhouse and this has been a bright spot for me this week.
I am pleased when we have sometime to be inside as I get a chance to clean and organize the pantry, take a good inventory. I keep a constant list going of things I am running out of. I do try to be very organized but sometimes you forget to add something to the list. Mr. Bootsie found another leak in the water lines so the plumber has been called once again. This new stuff is not lasting but we are adding shut off valves when we find a leak, in the future it will be easier (?). There will be dry wall repair but it all comes with upkeep of your home.
The rain should be gone by next week and fall chores must begin because I lost this week and I have been taking chances hoping the fall would be a long fall. Leaves came down with the rain and my woods are starting to take on the sad look of winter. Here's hoping I can get somethings accomplished by the next time I see you. Enjoy your fall or early winter!!!
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