We had the pleasure of sharing our home with a special friend for a few days, she is always wanting to know what is knew here, so I made the squash and apple soup, squash muffins and garlic, onion pizza. There was an extra crust which I used to make a spinach pizza. Breakfast, one morning, was frittata made with potatoes, onion, garlic, spinach, eggs and cheese, there was a side of sausage and homemade sourdough bread. The wine had slowed by Friday, Saturday it was time to strain and bottle our first batch of wine made with our blackberries. So far, so good, the sample we had was excellent.
Tuesday morning, my ladies at least 2 of them were very interested in Lou. His visit to our farm may be very productive. In a few weeks I will know for sure. We are goat setting for a friend. She asked to bring a little guy over to help with weening him. I think I am falling in love with this little one. If Lou needs to go home maybe Clue will be able to stay with us for a while. Mr. Bootsie and I went out one afternoon to cut holly and a little cedar. I was thinking I could use this to make holiday decorations but I missed out this time. Happy Goats, munching on the holly. Saturday, with weather conditions which may be changing next week, we took several hours to cut some additional holly trees and place them beside the pasture. They will keep for a few days in the cold and if the weather gets bad we are ready. The hoses were all disconnected, once again, this was completed Saturday night after all of the animals were put to bed.
Mr. Roo has gotten his crow working, he sounds like a real roo and now we need to name this beautiful creature. When I come to feed and put up in the evenings, he crows when he sees me coming with the food bowls. Okay, girls, Momma is here and has the evening meal ready for us. They get scratch and sunflower seeds at night, the girls come in, eat and find where they want to spend the night. Saturday night all of the girls put themselves on the roosting poles. I do hope this will continue, as the days get shorter, I may be a little late getting to the coop. My girls are now going up between five and five fifteen, in about 3 weeks it will be earlier.
I am so pleased as I think of our family feast. Each year, since we arrived here on the farm, we add something we have grown in our garden to the table. This year we have several new veggies, finally we have butter beans and country gentleman corn in the freezer. not a lot because we shared with the raccoons and moles. There were enough potatoes to can a few this year. Now as I think to next year, with little ones expected in April, I am excited about milk, butter, cheese, and other dairy products after we start milking our ladies. Oh, yes, we are Thankful. Thankful ,we have the pleasure of living on this farm and sharing it with our animals. Thankful, for all I have learned in the past 7 years. Thankful, for each of you and the blessing you bring to me. I can never say Thank you enough because I enjoy this time we share, and I look forward to sharing what the future holds.
May each of you have a harvest celebration in your own way, I know some places have celebrated and others will follow, What ever your custom may each of you be blessed. To my fellow Americans, Happy Thanksgiving!!!