Sunday morning, I made a sour dough coffee cake, there were leftovers and we did enjoy them for breakfast several mornings during the week. There were ribs, bbq'ed for supper with cole slaw, I have never liked my cole slaw and I am always looking for a dressing which I can find on my shelf. I think I may have the problem solved. I made a kefir milk ranch dressing using my chive vinegar and I must say this was good coleslaw, even received a that is really good from Mr. Bootsie.
The soup experience was an Italian Pasta E Fagioli soup. This soup has no meat, there are 9 cups of chicken broth or stock and this gives the soup a very meaty flavor. The cooking time is quick, warms up well and Mr. Bootsie did all of the prep work on this one. I must say it was a super easy soup for me to make. Yes, it was good and we shall make it again.
This week on the farm had been a week of doing our regular chores, one damp day Mr. Bootsie did inside work and painted a wall for me. He, also, did some detailing on my 1988 van which I will not give up. It is wonderful for moving goats from one place to another and is great to use when making the run for feed for the everyone.
Friday morning, As soon as the ladies came outside I saw the flagging. I watched and wanted to be sure I was right. They were fed and when they returned to the pasture I knew I was right not 1 but 2 of them are in season. I contacted my friend, less than 2 miles away, who has goats and she said get Lacie loaded and bring her over. Lacie has never been away from her sister, Belle and I was sure we were going to have problems. I went into the barn to gather the collar and lead, turned around, Lacie was standing right behind me. I put the collar on her, hooked the lead, opened the barn door and out of the barn we went. Lacie was showing me the way to the van, now it was a little different story when it came to loading her but not difficult. I placed her feet in the van, gave her a push, she was loaded and ready for her trip. After arriving at the farm, she and the gentleman goat quickly became friends, such good friends that the farmer loaded Lou into the truck and delivered him to our farm. We, now, possibly have 2 of our goats expecting and we are hoping before Lou returns to his farm there will be 4 goats expecting. I learned so much on Friday as this was a totally new experience for me. We cannot express our Thanks to our neighbor enough for taking time from her busy day and helping us with this new journey we are starting.
The two ladies to the left is Belle and Lacie, the one with horns is Gracie and their new gentleman friend is to the right. Happy day for all on our little farm!!!
It is so amazing how quickly things change in the coop. My little Eva is recovering from the molt, we are seeing tail feathers. All 17 are now eating from the same food bowls and the food fight is over, not everyone can get on the roosting pole by themselves but we are seeing changes. I believe the spring born peeps became very upset when the summer peeps starting making their way to the roosting poles as we were helping the spring peeps. Several days this week there were no eggs. I sent Mr. Bootsie on an egg hunt and he retuned with enough eggs for us to know he had found where the girls wanted to lay their eggs. Mr. Roo is doing much better, there were crows this week, sometimes he struggles but once in a while we hear a beautiful crow. There will be no more little peeps until spring but I will be excited when the journey begins once again.
We have turnips which have developed their bulbs, the parsnips are awaiting frost. There is something fresh to eat from the garden. The tunnel is starting to grow and I am looking forward to having some veggies during the winter. It continues to be easy watering the tunnel because the hoses are still connected. I will be loosing this pleasure in a few weeks. I am quite ready to start gardening sitting by the wood stove, where or where are the seed books? I will have so many decisions to make.
This week was a 180, I was ready to think about settling in for the winter, warming my toes my the wood stove and having lots of comfort food. Little did I know that I would need a milking stand built, a place readied for Momma goats and if all goes according to plans dreaming of playing with new farm animals. I am so excited, The Date is April 7, 2014, I welcome you to join us on this journey, learn with us and join the celebration if everything works out. Life on the farm, Why? Why did I stay away from the farm for so many years?
Thank you for joining me and sharing with us. May you week be safe!!!
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