Sunday, April 27, 2014

Our little Farm has gone into Overload

Sunday, the first batch of cheese was ready to be eaten and eaten it was.

Monday, baby chicks started to hatch and out of 20 eggs in the incubator we have 17 baby chicks.

Tuesday, Was a catch up day and at the end of the day I realized I was not caught up. I did make another batch of cheese.  A different recipe and we are eating this one also.  I made a treat for Mr. Bootsie, he loves chocolate ice cream and I made him some with our goat's milk and eggs.

Wednesday, Supplies needed from feed store, we went to get a few new items for the ladies in the goat pasture.  We spent the afternoon with our friend, the farmer, had a post Easter Celebration with her family, delicious food and wonderful company.    I came home with her bread proofer to try, see if I liked this and make a decision about purchasing one for our kitchen.

Thursday, We purchased a small outside chicken cage/tractor which was on sale, also had a 10% discount after the sale price, so Mr. Bootsie put this together and we tried the fully feather babies in the run and they were in love with all of the extra room.  So it became moving day and off to the coop they went.  The ducks have been sleeping in the brooder as I as having trouble introducing the ducks with my drake.  He is thinking they are his lunch and this is not going to happen on my watch.

Friday, yard and garden work. I made 2 batches of sour dough bread one in the proofer and one  using the dehydrator for proofing.  

Saturday, More garden work, chicks were put in the chicken tractor in the garden, their first day on the ground.

Along with all of this, there is the daily milking and caring for all of our crews.

I now understand the excitement about living off the land.  This week there was swiss chard gathered from the garden, along with onions.  I prepared and dressed with our goat cheese.  This was our dinner on Friday evening.  It was a delightful meal from our farm. I stopped and reflected thinking about our trip to the feed store and not needing to stop for milk.  This had been my dream for so long.  Now I must learn how to use the milk and make the dairy products we love.  I have come a long way with the bread as we no longer buy bread.

The mole war is still on in the garden, they are attaching the garlic and onions.  My growing in pots has been good.  I put the spinach in 4 inch pots, sink them in the garden row and just like always  the weather became very warm,  they bolted when there were a few warm days.  I am really enjoying protecting my veggies in the pots.  There is loss in my pea patch so I may have to follow this process for the peas also.  Last year,  there was loss of many of the pole beans so I may be trying this with the pole beans, also.

We were busy playing with the baby goats this week, if Mr. Bootsie is missing I can usually find him in the goat pasture.  All of the play items we have put in the pasture for the goats are being used and this pleases him.  We have several walks and they are enjoying the fiberglass engine covers from the trucks we have for run-ins.  These have become sliding boards and our most playful mother is having a wonderful time teaching the kids to jump from cover to the other.

I know we must reduce the size of our operation.  We will be selling some of our goats and I already have some requests.  The chickens lot will be reduced also.  Our little coop can't handle all of the birds we have at present.

This has been a good spring at our little farm, there is so much new life.  Maybe next week things will slow down a little or maybe not. Until the next time, stay safe and enjoy your selves!!!


  1. Oh Bootsie! <3 You are doing it!!! You are making your way off your little farm. And in the end isn't this what it's all about?! :) <3

    1. Karry Ann as I stand in the side lines as you share about your plans, I glow with enjoyment of the day you will have this wonderful feeling, I know your farm is doing so well, providing for your family, Each step is small but when they are all add put together, the adventure is wonderful. Each small step brings us so much pleasure.
