Sunday, June 3, 2012

Triple Creek Farm, June 2, 2012

Thursday morning,  A critter was caught in the trap,  Mr. Bootsie took this opossum to the river.  He has a friend with a large farm who welcomes our critters.  The traps have paid for themselves and we shall be leaving them in the garden for a while.  We are hoping this is the only one, but we know better.  We are in the middle of the woods and there are lots of animals.


Sugar snap peas are coming in and I have been freezing them.  I blanche the peas, totally cool in ice water.  Drain the peas, place on cookie sheets and freeze them.  Placing in container after they are frozen.  This way I can take out as many or few as I need to use.  I use the method for a lot of things.  Berries, squash,  peppers and anything I may want to use just a small amount of.

The oregano is starting to  blooming and I cut it back.  The dehydrator quickly took care of the oregano.  I have 1 quart jar full.  As the other herbs are ready I will be making my blends.


Pole barn prep is going on.  Builder has promised to be here Monday.  If you have worked with a builder you know the schedule can change, we have had such a wet spring he could very easily be running behind.  I just hope I see him this week.  Mr. Bootsie has cut all the small brush which was growing on the site off and it does look nice.  There was brush taken out where we know there has been a ground hog at times. We wanted to find the critter going after the garden.  Spring cleanup in the woods is about cutting down the brush.  Everything is starting to look so much better.


Little peeps are now 5 weeks old, feathers are completely in on 1 and the others are close behind.  We think we have 2 pullets and 2 crowers.  But who knows, I will not be sure until someone crows.  The little peeps spent Saturday morning in the garden.  This was the first time for them to be out with us working.

My big girls have been so busy the month of May, they laid 218 eggs.  This week the egg count was 48.  I am so pleased with the production of my little flock.


Squash bugs are here.  I have been taking out the bugs and beetles.  We are picking lettuce, sugar snap peas, assorted greens and pulling spring onions.  All of the garlic has been harvested, cleaned, hung for drying.  Roots still need to be cut and I will braid some.  Why?  Because that is something my sister and I did years ago and I love the memories it brings back.

Raspberries came in this week and I love having my snacks in the garden.  Blackberries are growing so good.  I will be putting up greens this coming week.  That is, if a critter does not get them first. The garden is planted and growing.  It is now time to hoe, hoe, hoe.  I will be planting some additional corn and beans.  It is time to start thinking about the fall crops and getting the seeds started.


One thing I look forward to in the summer is a tomato sandwich.  A real tomato sandwich, made with a tomato I picked off my vine.  I had my first one this week.  Blooms set in the greenhouse and I brought the plant outside and ripened the tomato.  It was wonderful.  There are 2 more just about ready to be picked.  This is the first time I have ever done anything like this and I am so excited.  I am going to try and have some this winter in the greenhouse.

I know you are there because I see how many are reading the pages.  Please leave your comments here or on the facebook page.  I do enjoying sharing with you and I will take the time to enjoy your comments.  Thank you for visiting our little farm and come back real soon.

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