The slider buns (cooked on the whoppie pie pans) I made last week worked wonderful and tasted real good. This week, I made 2 loaves of white bread and pizza crust. I try to keep pizza crusts in the fridge, during the summer, there is always something to put on them and we can cook them on the grill. I proof the crust for 7 minutes at 350 degrees and you can handle them. I use the pizza stone on the grill. Preheat about 20 minutes.
Mr. Bootsie has been helping with the girls every evening and that way I can do somethings in the garden. With all of the rain the builder has not returned. So things will happen when they are supposed to happen.
Aurora made the decision Monday to join the hens in the coop. Her return is a little hard as they are all picking on her. I never thought I would see a chicken torn as to what to do. She wanted to be with the peeps and the big girls. She had to make her decision. I think it was a good one. The peeps are marans and they are as large as Aurora at this time. She is a little cochin, she has lost quite a lot of weigh during this 9 and half weeks. Sunday, she went out for the afternoon walk with the other girls and we thought she was going to stay with them and at the last minute she went back to where the peeps were.
The little peeps do not seem to have a problem adjusting to being on their own. Wednesday, they escaped from the chicken tractor and were with the ducks. They had made a dusting place and all of them were content when I walked in thinking what has happened to them. Put them back in the tractor for that is where their food and water is. The ducks have food and water but the food is not what the little peeps need right now. Water is okay to share.
Before this week was over another cochin has become broody. Twenty one days will take us into summertime and I feel it is too hot for a hen to be in a nesting box. So I am going to try and change the mind of this one. I can already tell this is going to be struggle. She has taken up the nesting box day and night. Flatten out and has a really warm spot under her.
We gathered 46 eggs this week.
This week we were visited by the wee folk, they were with us Thursday and are staying until Sunday. We went to the local farmers market to see what is going on in the area and I think my little garden is doing almost as well as the farmers at the market. The wee folk know where the raspberries are planted and when to pick them. They can be seen in the garden walking the row picking berries and eating them. They were telling me they would be back to help with the blackberries. Our vines are loaded with green berries. Saturday, I graveled a potato hill, some nice potatoes were coming out of the hill. Next week, fresh string beans and new potatoes. Summertime on the farm.
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