I really have not had the time to do anything creative for a while. I am keeping the sourdough alive by making bread, the kefir is being fed and used in dips, salad dressing and smoothies. We had cereal for our evening meal one night this week. This week I finished freezing the sugar snap peas.
I made a trip into the city this week and found this nifty whoopie pie pan, I have been wanting a pan to bake buns for sliders on. I made up a batch and I am so pleased with the results. Mr. Bootsie wanted to share the wonderful smell of fresh baked bread with you.
I was on a guilt trip and Saturday night I made stuffed onions for dinner.
I could not believe it! A builder showed up on Monday with his equipment and I did not know he was here. I went to the coop to check on the girls and there he was clearing the land. He worked all day and that night we had a good rain. He could not work after that as the land has been soggy. There has been a rain just about each evening this week.
We had a 3 egg day on Thursday. I have been expecting a slow day as the girls have really been putting out the eggs. Most folks do not want the little eggs so I have been boiling them and feeding them to the ducks and chickens. I think they make wonderful deviled eggs, the size is just right for 2 bites. The egg count this week was 45.
Moving day was Saturday. The little peeps 6 weeks old made their way to the duck run. They will be in the chicken tractor during the day and staying in the coop at night. The duck run is much larger than the chicken run, it is not covered so I will be using the tractor for the protection of the little ones. Aurora was so pleased to return to the run. The others were not treating her very nice. I guess with her being out of the coop for 9 weeks they have to accept her again. She went on the chicken walk with them and it was a little dicey. I keep everything open during their walk time so they have lots of places to go if there is a problem. All of my oldest girls came and visited with the little peeps. Feather spent more time with them than anyone. She had to go and visit as soon as they were moved into the area.
I posted a garden walk blog earlier this week, join me in a walk through the garden. I learned more about blogging doing this one, I plan to do others and I think each will be easier. If you have not seen this post check the sidebar and click on it. You will learn a lot about my garden. If you have seen it Thank You for reading this post.
There are more critters in the garden. I have lost 2 sweet potato plants to moles. They pull the plant underground and eat the roots. I have been able to replace the plants as I had a few extra plants. Rabbits are eating the peas and other greens. All of our lettuce is in raised containers and too high for the rabbits to reach. Traps are set, mole traps and small animal traps.
Picking water logged raspberries, lots of blooms on the string beans, small zukes followed with squash blooms, cucumbers are starting to climb and a few squash bugs and eggs being done in. Weeds are about the best crop we have with so much rain. I am feeding the containers on a regular basis. The poop plant at the chicken coop has produced some poop and I will be side dressing with it.
One night this past week we walked the garden and some of our woods. Went down the wood's path to close up the coop. Our woods are loaded with ferns, beautiful ferns, wild flowers are blooming and the flowers I planted are blooming. The herb garden smells so good. It is almost time to start cutting back the herbs as they are getting quite large. The chores never end and the rewards for our work do not stop coming in.
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