Saturday, October 20, 2012

Triple Creek Farm, October 20, 2012

There are so many chores to do in the fall.  Getting everything ready for the winter takes time and planning.  I have been working everywhere and accomplishing little.  I am just pleased that I can get anything done.  Weeds which do not have floating seeds I like to leave, the birds will eat the seeds during the winter.  There are berries, nuts and acorns everywhere.  The chickweed is growing, picking it for the chickens and ducks.    I found what may be a hedgehog growing on a tree this week.  With limited to no knowledge of fungi, I will have to try to find someone with knowledge.


I have found some recipes I want to try, I will picking up the necessary ingredients that are not staples in the pantry.   The sourdough starter was worked and I made a batch of burger buns.   The starter worked very good and had an excellent smell to it.  I did make another batch of my rub for ribs and smoked pork.  This is always a project and I use a number of ingredients.  I dry garlic, onions and green onion tops which must be made into a powder and add this to a number of spices.  I learned the basic mix many years ago from someone who did pig roasts.


The pasture fence is finished!!!  The gates need to be covered with wire and we will be ready for the next adventure.


Duck water has been a problem, I use a bowl and they keep turning it over.  I have been pondering this for some time.  What did Momma do?  It came to me one day this week.  Momma always put rocks in the duck and chicken bowls.  My problem is solved.  Water in the duck house with rocks in the bottom and it is not spilled all over the house.   I will be doing this for the baby chicks next spring if we have any.  She would put water in a pie plate with lots of little rocks.  They would walk on the rocks and drink the water.  Gosh!  Momma was so smart!!

The ducks have been putting themselves in at night.  This is such a change, no more chasing and catching them.  I do hope this continues.  Sure makes things easy when it is time to close  the coops at night.

The little peeps are almost 6 months old, everyday I check the nests to see if there is an egg from one of them.  I am so pleased with the way they have grown.  There is a pecking order issue in the coop.  The older girls are being outsized by the peeps, they are going to be large hens.  Each day someone is roosting in a new place.

This week I collected 20 eggs.  I am now hanging on to all of my eggs.  Thankfully, we have the one duck laying and she will help keep us in duck fruit this fall and early winter.  She laid 5 eggs this week.


Cold tunnel, I want one.  I have been reading how others are using the cattle or hog panels to make the cold tunnel stronger and able to hold a snow load.   Mr. Bootsie is the king of rebar.  He is drilling 4 x 4's and putting rebar in the bottom.  The rebar is driven in the ground.  This is being placed beside 2 of our raised beds which get the afternoon sun.

There are still a number of peppers in the garden, climbing spinach, pole beans which I am going to let dry and use for soup beans.  Garlic is coming up and I will start mulching onions and garlic. I have decided to add another bed of walking onions.  I was asked about walking onion sets, if any of you want some for next year I have a few to share.  Just e-mail me with your address.  They are starting to grow so they need to be planted as soon as you receive them.  


Fall is the time of year when most are thinking the gardening season is over.  I have tomatoes thinking about blooming in the greenhouse, cucumbers starting to show their true leaves.  I am so pleased with my experience.  I am learning a little more each year about feeding and care of my plants.  I have kale coming up to be planted in the tunnel, lettuce is starting to look really good.   I have never worked at winter gardening so I am learning and yes, if you have knowledge I am interested.  There are row covers and blankets ready to use when the temperature drops.  I hope you find my journey interesting.  I would like to find it rewarding with a few veggies for us to eat.  Last year I had 4 tomatoes from the greenhouse and they were very good.  Much more enjoyable than the ones you find in the produce departments.  We shall see what the future holds for us this year.  

1 comment:

  1. After doing some additional research what we have growing on the tree is not hedgehog. They grow from the ground is what I am reading. The appearance is similar.
