Sunday, December 29, 2013

Triple Creek Farm, December 28, 2013

Mr. Bootsie has been retired a year this week.  Adjustment has been hard but we managed to learn how to live with each other 24/7 and get a few things accomplished.  The garden was planted and the veggies were preserved for our use through out the winter.  He has been a great help with a lot of the chores I was trying to manage all by myself and has taken a lot of work off my shoulders.  I think the biggest adjustment for me was having more meals to make.  I told him in the beginning I would make only 1 meal a day but he has worked and tried to help me, so I caved and now I do 2 meals most days.  This has extended my time in the kitchen, and I am having a very hard time making the balance with everything I do.

I have come to the decision I do not have enough time to post a weekly blog about our farm.  I know I have told you in the past this is my journal and it will continue to my farm journal. The format may change, I do want to keep you in touch with our farm but I must make things easier for me. I have always used the time I sit in front of the computer as a break from the action, the heat outside during the summer or a chance to warm my cold body during the winter.

The everyday life here on our farm has become a schedule and chores come first, baking seems to be about the same because I have bread doughs which work and I do not find it exciting to share over and over the same old things.  I went through a number of our pictures and they became very boring.  Now, this is not to say that when I find a new recipe, I am excited about, you will hear from me.  When I find I am growing something in the garden you may be interested in I will show you.

With the thinking of spring and the birthing of goats, I am wondering about time for milking and cheese making.  This will be added to the chores I do and I must lighten my load.  I am starting to learning about the process of cheese making and the supplies I will be needing.  Mr. Bootsie is preparing to build a milking stand, enlarge the pasture and lots of other chores to make things easier for us.

I have enjoyed the time I have spent with you weekly but time has come, for a change.

This week a new recipe was creamed cauliflower which was used in place of creamed potatoes.  Very easy, Steam your cauliflower until tender, Mash with the potato masher and add lots of butter, salt and pepper.  Delicious and easy.

One of the oldest girls I have in the coop started laying after her molt.

We were away with family for a couple of days this week, oh, everything was taken care of on the little farm, it can run well without us.

Now, before we meet again, everyone will welcome a New Year, 2014.  I wish you a Happy New Year and may this year be a wonderful one for each of you.
Blessing, My Friends, May you have lots of Blessings!!!!!

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