Saturday, December 7, 2013

Triple Creek Farm, December 7, 2013

Our tummies are full of leftover turkey, lots of sides and gravy, before the week was over we needed the strength from eating all of this holiday food.  Preparing for an ice storm, now I really do not like ice storms. The first thing you think about is the power and when will it go out.  How many days will it take for them to reinstate the power.  Precooking things which will keep in the fridge, making an extra amount of bread and knowing there are many jars of soup canned which will be heated on the wood stove.  Feed for the flocks,  checked to be sure there is food and hay for about a week.  We really do not have a lot of bad weather, thank goodness, so it is important we make all the necessary preparations to take care of our animals, our farm and ourselves.


I found a recipe for Crockpot Turkey, Cabbage & Rice Soup which sounded like a good wintertime soup.  Mr. Bootsie called this a very hardy soup, filling and a good use of leftover turkey.  I made my turkey salad with homemade pickles and the juice from the pickles.  Before the week was over I was in for a change of pace, broccoli slaw is something I enjoyed when we lived close to the grocery and I would pick up a package but now this is really out of the question.  We did buy a bag of fresh broccoli as the crowns were on a good sale.  I found a recipe which I used as a guideline.  I made a few changes and will work on this recipe, when I am pleased I will post my recipe.  Mr. Bootsie requested a turkey pot pie as I was making some meals we could easily reheat.  I have been working with clear-gel and I was very pleased with the filling, it stayed in place.  So many of my pies have run all over the pie plate after my cutting them.


Drainage ditches have been opened and all of the leaves cleaned out.  Fresh leaves have been added to the goat barn, the hay covered and grain barrels filled.  Some of the gutters have been cleaned out.  We will try to do everything to make our animals comfortable during the storm but we must think of our own safety.  There is fuel mixed and ready incase we need to remove trees from the roads.  You never know what will happen and we try to prepare and hope that we prepared enough.


I feed an all grain pellet mix to my girls but I was not pleased with my eggs.  The city folks thought they were beautiful but I knew from the past there was not enough strength in the yolks.  I caught this one day when I was mixing duck eggs with hen eggs.  During the winter I feed a treat of sunflower seeds in the evenings.  My girls love this treat and will beat me to the coop when they see me coming with their bowls.  If Mr. Roo sees me heading to the feed buckets he announces treats are on the way, before I can finish there are girls all around my feet. ready to help me find my way.   Needless to say, they really like the sunflower seeds.   Here are some of my eggs and you can see there is a strong yellow color to the yolk.  This is what I have been working for.  I am so pleased to have learned how easy it is to adjust the diet of the girls.


I am just hoping I will have a garden tunnel on Monday, We know we can remove the snow from the tunnel and keep it safe, sleet and freezing rain are different.  As I have watched the weather all week trying to make the right decisions, I have thought about the tunnel and what it would be able to stand.  Temperatures at my last weather check are going to hoover around 31 to 32 degrees and this gives me hope.  There were a few nice days this week, I pulled the covers back from the row tunnels and watered those beds.


The weather does not change our farm adventure.  There should be, at least,  one goat who is now 1 month along the way to becoming a mommie.  I am hoping there are 2 because things do look promising.  In a couple of weeks I will have a better idea about my other 2 ladies.  As we think about  the last hatching of our baby chicks starting to lay eggs it is time to start planning for our spring adventure.  I wonder what I did for so many years when I was away from the amazement of the farm.

To all of our friends and neighbors, North and South of the Equator, all around this world, please be careful and take good care of yourselves.  This week has reminded me of no matter where you are there is always something to prepare for, I appreciate the kindness of others checking with us as they have heard the progression of this storm across the United States.  As one friend said, "This type of winter weather is norm for us but I know it is an event for you."  This makes me feel a little better about prepping for this storm.  I am hoping it will be close to a non-event and we passed the test but only time will tell.  I will update you next week!!!

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