Sunday, April 22, 2012

Triple Creek Farm, April 21, 2012

Spring, the earth awakens, trees bloom and new foliage grows, birds are gathering material to make nest, this is the rebirth of another year.  How exciting to see everything returning and rewarding you for your hard work.  The bulbs have multiplied and will need to be thinned and replanted.  The blooms were wonderful.  Some of the climbing plants are showing new growth and arbors are being put in place.  The work from the previous years is beginning to show.


I baked a 1-2-3-4 cake this week.  This is an old recipe for a wonderful cake.  1 cup butter, 2 cups sugar, 3 cups flour and 4 farm fresh eggs.  I used kefir milk and this cake was so rich.  I wanted to make a dessert using strawberries.  It is time to empty the freezer, and I had a few containers of strawberries.  I made vanilla pudding.  Now to assemble this easy recipe.  Large red wine glass, break up a large slice of cake in the bottom, cover with a layer of vanilla pudding and some sweetened strawberries, continue layering cake, pudding and strawberries until the wine glass is full.  Cover,  place in fridge and let chill.  You can use fresh, sliced and sweetened strawberries in place of the frozen berries.  This is so easy and not a heavy dessert.  Recipe for 1-2-3-4 Cake


Mr. Bootsie has taken down the last 2 trees in the pasture fence row.  They were felled, cut into firewood lengths and moved to the splitting and stacking area.  This is one project which went on for far too long.  We are looking at other trees which could be a maybe but at some point you have to call it and I think we are ready to put this one to bed.  Saturday afternoon the eagle landed.  No, not the big bird.  The 2 Bootsie's are repurposing again.


Aurora hard at work
All eyes are on Aurora.  We are so excited about the thoughts of our little peeps.  I do hope she is rewarded for all of her work.  She has stayed on the nest and never left the eggs.  I spilt a bowl of food on her one morning this week and she moved out of the way dragging the eggs with her.  I have been amazed with her dedication.

I am in question as to how this big girl is going to enjoy the chicks.   Blanche is the largest bird I have, she is the size of a small turkey.  She lays a wonderful light blue green egg,  and is an Ameraucana.  Because of her size some people are afraid of her.  You should see her run when any one of the little cochins get after her.  It is so funny to see her go into the coop to get away from the little ones.

This week the girls laid 46 eggs this week.  There are only 9 girls laying.  I am really proud of their hard work.


The ground is warming and the pots are getting very warm.  Spring rains came and dampened the very dry soil.

Seeds are going in for string beans, butter beans, one hill of climbing squash.  The greenhouse has lots of plants ready to be installed.  Potatoes, onions and garlic are growing.  The sweet potatoes, in the plant bed, are showing growth.  First planting of radishes are ready to start pulling.

Parsley, chive blooms, sage and oregano are being enjoyed in salads along with lettuce and spinach.


Yes, everything has awoken here at Triple Creek Farm.  Every day is an adventure.  Arrangements are being made for the goats.  We have been working on a water feature and it is coming along.  I actually have some bog plants, I moved the plants  here 7 years ago and put them in buckets, they waited for me to have a place to plant them.  I am heading out to see what I can get into day.  Enjoy your corner of our beautiful world!

Check on Aurora on Facebook  Twenty one days is Wednesday, maybe it will be peeps day.

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