Sunday, September 9, 2012

Triple Creek Farm, September 8, 2012

Mother Nature has blessed us with quite a bit of rain, the land was so dry.  I will say I am happy to see the soil get some moisture in it.  The fall garden may do well or it may be too wet.  I must plant my seeds and try.  This is the only way I will learn.  I have lots of weeds to pull,  I am really happy about the bonus of moist soil to make the pulling easier.  Will I get it all done?  Who knows?  Anything with a seed head on it I try to leave, the birds which winter over here need to eat all winter.  We do not put out bird feeders because of the bears.  They love the sunflower seeds and the suet.  Yes, we have seen several bears in the past. The was one on the patio, it was large maybe not fully grown but large enough for me.


The dehydrator has been getting a work out this week.  I have started freezing peppers, putting them in packages of 1 green pepper, 1/2 cup and 1/4 cup.  I freeze slices, sliced across the pepper to use on pizzas.  I clean out the jalapeno and freeze them ready to make pepper poppers.

I made sourdough sub rolls this week and I think I finally figured out a lot of the things I have been doing wrong.  I have not been putting them on the baking sheet correctly but the fog has lifted and I can see clearly now the error of my ways.

I baked a Greek pie, using spinach from the garden.  The crust for this was a pizza crust rolled out into a large rectangle, filled half with the spinach, egg, fetta cheese and other ingredients, folded over and sealed.  This turned out to be real tasty.  Tzatziki sauce was a nice addition.


Mr. Bootsie has been busy getting everything ready to put in the pasture fence.  He came home Tuesday with the gates we need and cattle panels.  It is starting to look like a farm around here.  The fence is scheduled to be run this coming week.  I am so excited.  Our farm is going to grow.  Yes, we have plans  to add to the farm family.  Maybe I should correct that last statement.  I think our animals own the farm and we are their staff because they certainly do keep me hopping.

With all the rain, gravel was needed in places on the farm roads, Wednesday afternoon a load of gravel arrived and it is being shoveled in where needed and any extra will be used under the pole barn.


If you missed the news this past Sunday.  Deedle has started laying.  I now have a collection of duck eggs.  I know I will have to start using them or find a client who would like to buy duck eggs.

The rooster would love to come over and visit with the girls, I am waiting for the girls who were born with him to start laying and I will take them to the rooster.  I hope I have a broody to hatch the eggs after I get some.  These are my plans.  I really do not have any idea as to how they will work out.  Buddy is one beautiful bird.  He is many shades of grey and I am having a hard time trying to get a picture of him.

This week I collected 5 duck eggs and the girls laid 39 eggs.  I must tell you the girls just love poached eggs.  I think it may good for them because you add vinegar to the poaching water, the girls need a little vinegar.


I did not do a lot with the weather.  Planted another row of walking onions and put in some Chinese cabbage seeds.  They do not like to be transplanted, there will be cold protection to go over them if  needed.  I am picking beans, spinach and peppers.  It is sad to see the garden wind down.  If we have a few dry days I am going to get out there and work.  The soil is so moist right now, I can use my push plow and get the land ready for winter.

The tomatoes plants coming into the greenhouse look wonderful.  Cucumbers came up but were weak plants. I think I am going to replant.  Temperature is coming down and it may soon be time to plant lettuces and radishes.


Time for me to start thinking about what we need to do before the cold weather sets in.  We always try to leave the outside water on until Thanksgiving.  I will be hauling water after that.  But first, I am looking forward to fall days.  I love this time of year.  Maybe a trip to the mountains, oh yes, there will be a fall provision run to the valley.  We will be picking up apples for winter use.  Pumpkins for the girls, all of the girls, because I love pumpkin bread.  Here I was, thinking I was going to be able to slow down in the fall.  Where did that misconception come from?  I would not have it any other way.  I just all the activities of our small farm.

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